Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 129
Defeats 153
Magmars slain 8
Rank Recruit

Agility 18
Intuition 17
Protection 22
Strength 63
Vitality 25

Maximum number of crits 4
Maximum number of blocks 4
Maximum crit 38
Maximum number of dodges 4
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 1
Maximum number of hits 47
Maximum crit received 129
Maximum number of misses 9
Maximum number of block blows 5

Geologist 9
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 148  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 1175  

Personal information Gifts
Lives in the world of Faeo: 7 years7 month(s) 14 day(s)
About you: Yaz = Ridge of Kayar
Argo = Communal Grave
Khagann = Wild Forrest
Rayno = Glade of Oblivion
Ezav = Steppe Vista
Terp =Foot of the Barrow
Fey =Jasmine Brushwood
Frey =Thistle Brushwood
Bego =Grotto Maettro
Anguz =Settlement of Faytir