Race |
Humans |
Victories |
220494 |
Defeats |
6060 |
Magmars slain |
740 |
Rank |
Legendary Conqueror
School of Magic: |
Agility |
323 |
Intuition |
883 |
Protection |
183 |
Strength |
1782 |
Vitality |
1087 |
Durability |
4618 |
Initiative |
167 |
Concentration |
176 |
Intellect |
313 |
Suppression |
25 |
Will |
196 |
Wisdom |
1776 |
Gold Atshi Bats |
Orc Heads delivered |
4390 |
Victories in great battles |
936 |
Participation in Great Battles |
1912 |
Maximum number of crits |
209 |
Maximum number of blocks |
40 |
Maximum crit |
87835 |
Maximum number of dodges |
70 |
Maximum number of deaths |
5 |
Maximum number of kills |
139 |
Maximum number of hits |
1029 |
Maximum crit received |
49398 |
Maximum number of misses |
55 |
Maximum number of block blows |
45 |
Rating |
327 |
Rating at current level |
28 |
Clan |
BlackListed |
Rank |
Captain |