Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Magmars
Victories 48370
Defeats 2240
Humans slain 78
Rank Lord
School of Magic: Fire

Agility 73
Intuition 501
Protection 65
Strength 1586
Vitality 683

Durability 615
Initiative 31

Intellect 395
Suppression 11
Will 48
Wisdom 1284

Popularity 267

Victories in great battles 133
Participation in Great Battles 261
Maximum number of crits 178
Maximum number of blocks 48
Maximum crit 5240
Maximum number of dodges 22
Maximum number of deaths 3
Maximum number of kills 101
Maximum number of hits 640
Maximum crit received 4701
Maximum number of misses 511
Maximum number of block blows 37

Professions Estate
Herbologist 474
Alchemist 480
Locksmith 241
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 2094  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 13705  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Alyssa
Lives in the world of Faeo: 6 years10 month(s) 8 day(s)
Birthday: 11 June 1993
Region: Australia
Motto: Just an ornamental plant :)
About you: 16:18 rybek1 » Magic_Unicorn93: cool guard :aplod: :aplod: :aplod:

02:13 -MAD- » Magic_Unicorn93: you where always cool
From -MAD- [12] : little miss cool.



Online Mentors:

Saved fights
Fight against monsters Attack on Trainer Vaeron
Fight against enemy race :D
Fight against monsters Outdamaged Hakan :P
Fight against enemy race :D
Fight against enemy race Let's go scrub!
Fight against enemy race :D