Who will waste such a fabulous night on sleep?! Only those warriors who see this princess in their dreams...
For this brave fighter, the raging blizzard can only be a boon, because this time, her target is the enormous Castle Bone Dragon living up there among the sheer ridges. As she trudges up, making her way across the snow-covered peaks, she is always ready to strike a decisive blow against her prey.
Подарки продолжают прибывать — скоро в комнате для них не останется места! Что поделать, всякий на Хаире мечтает угодить этой умнице и красавице, настоящей принцессе новогодних праздников.
Что это за новая звезда взошла на заоблачной ярмарке гномов?! Завсегдатаи удивлённо чешут бороды и качают головами. За долгие столетия гномы совсем отвыкли от красоты магмарских воительниц!
The mountain of Mystras is sacred to the genies, who have been erecting altars in its caves since time immemorial. The Magmar warrior hasn’t come such a long way across the seas for nothing - there are great mysteries and mystical gifts awaiting her here.
Her blade shines in the near total darkness, cleaving the mirages of the Limbo of Mystras and slaying the beasts of the underworld. Even their Leader would tremble when facing this warrior lady, while his fearsome grin is turning into a grimace of fear.
Доблестные воительницы Хаира всегда отличались красотой, храбростью и боевым мастерством. И в дни 14-летия Фэо эта прекрасная дева не осталась в стороне! А когда все праздничные испытания пройдены и враги сокрушены — самое время выслушивать поздравительные речи и принимать подарки от почитателей.
The balloon’s basket almost grazes the tops of the frost-laden trees. Below, the lights of the cozy villages of Khair are flickering and the northern lights illuminate the sky. There’s a festive mood, with the New Year breeze carrying you all the way!
Её внешность слепит сильнее блеска волн в лучах полуденного Мирроу. Но человеческим глазам долго любоваться ей не придётся – абордажная сабля этой воительницы разит ещё надёжней, чем красота.
The presence of this gentle beauty in a room will already create a cozy atmosphere and fill the hearts of those at home with warmth! She will definitely be the focus of attention during the Christmas celebrations...
This proud dweller of the North is not afraid of harsh winter winds. From early childhood she is familiar with heavy grey clouds and lullabies of snowstorms. Hardened by utter cold and other sorrows of life in the distant North, nothing can frighten this brave Magmar. She is the true Daughter of the North!
A snow-white bird always accompanies this skilled sorceress, who uses all her power to help the weakest inhabitants of Faeo, suffering from the brutal cold.
This cheerful beauty is a welcome guest at any party; she’s always in the centre of attention. On the New Year celebrations this charming girl will gather lots of warriors and she-warriors around her to share her high spirits and have fun time.
You will live through the new year the same way you see it in! Winter festivities are a perfect opportunity to be with the loved ones and have fun time with friends non-stop.
Even those creatures who don't have bodies cannot escape her vindictive dagger. Sincere vengeance lights her way.
