Against the cold of the grave he set the blessed steel, against the hunger of death - courage and virtue.
The balloon from the Celestial Valley of the Gnomes is perfect for New Year. You will be able to go flying all over Khair and give gifts to your friends. Then you can fly home easily carrying their gifts to you too.
You will live through the new year the same way you see it in! Winter festivities are a perfect opportunity to be with the loved ones and have fun time with friends non-stop.
Трепещите, люди, лезьте на рею и прячьтесь в трюм! Если этот воин уже на вашей палубе – дело плохо. Его топор легко может срубить даже мачту, а уж вражеские щиты и доспехи раскалывает на раз.