Родной Огрий остался далеко позади. От него отделяет граница между мирами, бесконечные ярусы подземелья, извилистые каменные ходы, ставшие ареной множества битв... Но главная схватка происходит сейчас - безжалостный бой с проклятой королевой Селестой.
Barachmung the Chronicler is eager to write the name of this valiant warrior lady from Ogriy down in his immortal chronicles! She has completed all the Challenges with flying colors, and the appearance of a Chosen One becomes her extra reward.
The streets of Ogriy are covered with snow, windows are lit with warm light, and everyone is preparing for the holiday. The year of the Dragon is ahead, and the fire-breathing lizard looks favorably on the beautiful warrior - great feats and glorious victories await her in the near future.
The balloon, put together by the gnomes, is so laden with presents that it barely made it up into the sky. It’s time to jettison the ballast - release some of the presents to descend straight to the doorways of the unsuspecting inhabitants of Ogriy!
Celeste’s hatred, trapped in the Ergam Labyrinth, can animate even soulless steel! If you look closely, you will see, to your horror, that there is nothing under the visor but emptiness. Who knowns which of the subterranean crevices holds the remains of the former owner of this revived empty armor suit? Clearly he was a true master of the blade, since even his empty armor can use a sword and strike the enemy like the most skilled of warriors now.
Смертные рождаются, чтобы умереть, великие царства придут в упадок, небесные светила когда-нибудь погаснут… Постигшая эту горькую мудрость воительница повсюду несёт гибель и разрушение, и всё, что проходит перед её взором, — лишь дым, которому скоро суждено развеяться.
The messenger of Chaos in the stone dungeons of the Labyrinth. The mage hates the cramped and convoluted corridors of this place, and dreams of general destruction, which is beyond his power to accomplish. However, Chaos endows its servant with sufficient power so that the Mage can incinerate opponents with fireballs, rain down fiery showers on their heads and wipe out entire companies of men with terrifying explosions.
Held imprisoned in the Labyrinth, the spirit of the legendary renegade shaman has lost none of its cunning and skill with magic. Worse still - it seems that in afterlife, Kratkh has acquired new powers. This is where he has gathered his repulsive entourage - a flock of dead Kretches, ready to take their rotten fangs to savage the throats of anyone targeted by their leader.