Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 49172
Defeats 1790
Magmars slain 53
Rank War Master
School of Magic: Light

Agility 577
Intuition 67
Protection 39
Strength 928
Vitality 359

Durability 385
Initiative 20

Concentration 26
Intellect 244
Will 16
Wisdom 835

Popularity 19

Victories in great battles 151
Participation in Great Battles 335
Maximum number of crits 25
Maximum number of blocks 59
Maximum crit 1906
Maximum number of dodges 149
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 32
Maximum number of hits 298
Maximum crit received 2872
Maximum number of misses 41
Maximum number of block blows 34
Clan Blue Dragons
Rank ★Radny Smok~

Professions Estate
Geologist 265
Jeweller 207
Locksmith 40
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1006  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 6160  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Andrzej
Lives in the world of Faeo: 12 years2 month(s) 1 day(s)
Birthday: 30 November 1984
Region: Aruba
Motto: Być sobą
About you: Witam
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