The Genies know that this mountain holds magical properties, and they worship it as the throne of the Creator of Worlds. When visitors from overseas come to the slopes of the mountain, Mystras will awaken something hidden deep within their souls - and grant them unprecedented powers.
Хорошим мальчикам на Новый год достаются дорогие игрушки, плохим — кусок угля. Ладно, запомним... Долг платежом красен — в следующем году этот воин со всеми поквитается!
The keen gaze of this hunter can be avoided by no beast, even the tiniest one - let alone by this enormous Castle Bone Dragon, who has taken refuge on a snowy peak of one of the mountains in Faeo.
Небесная ярмарка гномов гудит от изумления! Этот бравый чужеземец одолел на ней местных фаворитов во всех состязаниях. Призов выиграно немало, но своя ноша не тянет!
Кто не спрятался, я не виноват! Когда этот воин идёт на абордаж, магмарам лучше самим прыгать за борт. Воистину, больше шансов спастись от стаи голодных морских чудовищ, чем от его боевого топора!
The sound of crashing bones and powerless scream of undead are heard right after his menacing battle cry.
Fierce Valdagors are ready to tear apart anyone who enters their territory - and they respect and fear only one of the great mages...
This warrior knows how to enjoy life and find pleasure in everything he does. On the festive night this charming fellow will certainly be the centre of attention; he’ll gather his friends, acquaintances, and pretty girls around him to celebrate the New Year in a big way.
New Year celebrations are a time for fun without a care in the world, when you can forget your troubles and spend time among your loved ones and your friends.
Some people hunt Kretches, others chase down Cerebhound, and this warrior decided to pick crazy Zarlogs as their prey! The whole Ogriy admires their bravery and strength, and during the celebration this hero will be welcomed everywhere.