Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 128280
Defeats 4778
Magmars slain 63
Rank Higher Master
School of Magic: Air

Agility 134
Intuition 740
Protection 78
Strength 1304
Vitality 772

Durability 2435
Initiative 87

Concentration -1
Intellect 243
Suppression 14
Will 107
Wisdom 1241

Popularity 384

Victories in great battles 440
Participation in Great Battles 1029
Maximum number of crits 130
Maximum number of blocks 92
Maximum crit 6106
Maximum number of dodges 22
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 126
Maximum number of hits 414
Maximum crit received 9233
Maximum number of misses 40
Maximum number of block blows 54
Clan The Way of Lionhearts
Rank Magic Lion

Professions Estate
Geologist 359
Jeweller 359
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1990  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 13531  

Personal information Gifts
Name: koenigin
Lives in the world of Faeo: 15 years28 day(s)
Birthday: 18 August 1997
Region: Germany
About you: Pärchenabend: XD

Ich habe Keksrenner 18 Kampfbeweise geliehen.