Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 9431
Defeats 1924
Magmars slain 16
Rank Fighter

Agility 21
Intuition 30
Protection 23
Strength 27
Vitality 36

Initiative 12


Popularity 141

Victories in great battles 14
Participation in Great Battles 35
Maximum number of crits 27
Maximum number of blocks 7
Maximum crit 391
Maximum number of dodges 12
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 6
Maximum number of hits 88
Maximum crit received 869
Maximum number of misses 16
Maximum number of block blows 16

Professions Estate
Fisherman 119
Sorcerer 119
Locksmith 57
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 761  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 4985  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Paweł
Lives in the world of Faeo: 14 years9 month(s) 7 day(s)
Birthday: 1 July 1992
Region: Anguilla
Motto: I tak wszyscy zginiemy
About you: Można leczyć

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