Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Magmars
Victories 59899
Defeats 1903
Humans slain 67
Rank Higher Master
School of Magic: Fire

Agility 57
Intuition 595
Protection 45
Strength 1134
Vitality 411

Durability 1160
Initiative 52

Intellect 176
Suppression 5
Will 40
Wisdom 1094

Popularity 518

Victories in great battles 352
Participation in Great Battles 635
Maximum number of crits 58
Maximum number of blocks 14
Maximum crit 5216
Maximum number of dodges 15
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 51
Maximum number of hits 234
Maximum crit received 7538
Maximum number of misses 39
Maximum number of block blows 24

Professions Estate
Geologist 359
Jeweller 359
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 1596  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 10015  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Zafiro
Lives in the world of Faeo: 14 years28 day(s)
Birthday: 29 June 1969
Region: Spain
Motto: Vive,y deja vivir,la vida sin amor no es vida
About you: Soy de Murcia

Me conecto de diferentes IP,comparto Ip con ruby39
cumplimos las reglas del juego


22:57 As of 29.08.2021, -_-Chavoss-_- [5] and zafiro [14] are officially married in accordance with the laws of Faean marriage.
22:57 Received: Bouquet of Inevitable Happiness 1 pc

Prestamo Lord_Dominic 21:43 You have paid: 27
21:43 You have paid a fee of: 62 57
devolucion del prestamo,5/1/2022

Amount in letter: 27 64

¡¡conejito de la suerte de los drops, haz que consiga muchos objetos!!
(\\\")_(\\\") osito de la suerte