
Auto - Eating


Restoration of life and mana

2 modes are available: manual and automatic.
Manual mode

When using the manual mode, the users decide for themselves what set of substances and products they need to restore life and mana. However, it is not possible to use more than 1 item of a particular group in one set.
Before use
After use
As shown in Fig. 2, after using the 2nd set the quantity on the left side was reduced by 1 for those items that were in the set.
If the product runs out, it will be come inactive in the set graph (it will be highlighted in grey), and it will simply be withdrawn from the left side of the table.
If you use a set that contains inactive items, only the products and substances that are actually present will be used.  When a user buys missing items, then will become active again in the sets. Each set is indexed by default, but a player can give sets individual titles.

Automatic mode

When using this regime, the player goes to Settings and sets the necessary parameters, and the required substances and products, and also their quantity, are selected automatically to restore life and mana. For the automatic mode to work you need to enable it in the plug-in settings and indicate the operating threshold (the default threshold is 20%). If, after combat, the life level is less than or equal to 20% of the maximum level, then the automatic mode will kick in anyway. If a player has mana, the same thing will happen to it.  Fig. 5 shows how the settings window should look, for the automatic mode to work after a fight is completed.
When the automatic mode is enabled, the Game Client selects the best option from the available items in the character's backpack, based on the following algorithm. For example, we have the following output after a fight:
hpMax = 979; hp = 650; mpMax = 366; mp = 50

The backpack contains:
1) Pastry Buns - 60
2) Bread - 85
3) Baked Fish - 750
4) Small Imman, green - 350
5) Gammon - 210
6) Small Imman, blue -  280

The numbers opposite the items show how much the character can be restored after their use. The number of items is shown in Fig.4
For full recovery, it is necessary to restore 329 life and 316 mana.
The automatic mode's algorithm removes from the set the items that exceed the required number, to avoid over-eating.
After a first use of the backpack's contents, you will be left with:

1) Pastry Buns - 60
2) Bread - 85
3) Gammon -  210
4) Small Imman, green  - 280

From this list the Gammon and the Small Imman are used.
In total, after the first use of the contents of the backpack, it was possible to restore 210 life and 280 mana. All that remains to restore is 119 life and 36 mana.
After a second use of the backpack's contents, you will be left with:

1) Pastry Buns - 60
2) Bread - 85
From this selection, Bread is used.

In total, after the second use of the contents of the backpack, it was possible to restore  85 life and 0 mana. All that remains to restore is 34 life and 36 mana.
A third use of the contents of the backpack will not have the desired result, because  the remaining products and substances restore more life and mana than required. In this case, the manual mode should be used. Fig. 6 shows the settings window, which contains the items that are best to use for a full recovery.
This same setting allows the user to specify the items that will be used constantly. 
To disable the use of these items, you should select the empty field in the list, as shown in Fig. 8.
If a character dies in combat, then the automatic mode does not operate.


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