



      And so you have received one of the productive professions, which will permit you to create new items using resources obtained in the extraction process. Further on, we shall reveal in a manner most accessible to you, what the profession of Sorcerer is and what it is needed for.


      Sorcery is the art of preparing various magic potions that can save the life of a warrior in combat, and the preparation of other various magic ingredients. Khorsungum the Mage and Arnabag the Mage teach this profession.


     To make his spells, a Mage needs a recipe, by which he can create one or another kind of magic. A player can obtain these recipes in a shop in the Village of Maettro or on the Ridge of Kayar.



      Looking at a recipe, a player can read its characteristics, which show how much and which ingredients are necessary to make one or another magic scroll, as well the mastery the Mage needs in order to learn this recipe. The player can see all the recipes he has learned by looking the Character icon on the upper menu and then selecting the Profession icon (the multi coloured one on the end).






     To create various magic scrolls, the Sorcerer needs parchments. These are of various kinds: the usual parchment, old parchment, ancient parchment, and charmed parchment, which can be procured in the village of Maettro or the Ridge of Kayar.




     Also, the Sorcerer needs specific ingredients. Several of these ingredients the Sorcerer can make himself, and several he must obtain from other professions, such as “agate dust”.




      Obviously, to produce any magic scroll or ingredient, the appropriate mastery of Sorcerery is necessary. The higher the level of mastery, the more complex the recipes that the player can learn in order to use them.




      And so, do you have everything that is required? To find out which scrolls / ingredients are available for you to make, look at the Professions window, by selecting "Character" on the upper menu, and then "Profession".



      In the open window on the left, you can see the level of your current mastery, as well as the maximum mastery level that you can achieve for your current level.



      Likewise, beneath this information you can see a button by which you can refuse this profession.

      Attention! If you refuse this profession, you will be deprived of all experience and acquired knowledge, and any recipes you have learned. 



      On the right, the table presents a list of recipes you have learned, as well as the number and type of products you have made. The color of the name of the recipe varies depending on the level of your mastery and the mastery needed to produce the item. The greater the difference in mastery, the lower the probability that you mastery will increase in making the item. Remember that a certain amount of time must pass between creation of similar items.
      The actual process of making scrolls / ingredients when everything needed is present is quite simple. For this, simply click on the “Create” button opposite the corresponding recipe, and then a message that it is done will appear in chat. After the item is made, the button will fade for a time as shown on the left in the “Remaining” column.


      If as a result of making an item your experience increases, you will see a chat message as well as information on what was made, and this item will appear in your inventory.





      Create magic. Good luck!





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