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 Jester Event - Who let the dragons out?11.11.2023 17:00

You all know Sheara's pink dragons and also the famous Urchi. Now it's not just these few little dragons that live in our beautiful Faeo, but a whole flock has appeared!



Lots of dragons in all sorts of colors and shapes are flying around. They blow puffs of smoke and small flames through their little snouts - one or two bales of straw in the fields have already caught fire and they have already singed our Elder's clothes! Of course things cannot continue like this.
Warriors, you must do something!

Luckily, we have found exactly the right thing for you: instructions on how to bring the little dragons back home in jars.


Are you up for the challenge?


Task and Schedule 


Your Task(s):

Create a dragon jar with the instructions from the forum

Please note: All entries must include a handwritten note displaying your in-game character name. You may not post on behalf of other players.

Attention: Entries must include the direct weblink to the image to be valid. Images without weblinks or without names will be deemed invalid.



11.11.23 - 24.11.23 at 18:00

Publish your posts before 24.11.23 18:00 server time





  Rules and Conditions of Participation  



You can find the general event rules here!

Please Read the Rules! By participating, you confirm that you have read this and have accepted.








First Place:


150 + 1



Second Place: 


100 + 1


Third Place:


50 + 1


All other participants with valid entries:







 Let's save the little dragons from Faeo's inhabitants! 

Author: Liusaidh

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