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Warriors! Arbiters of Fate told about the Magical storm, started in «Battle in Caves, year 386», «Clash in the Temple, year 283» and «O’Delvays under Siege» battlegrounds!
Now when you enter the battlefield, you can find four standard sets of equipment in your backpack, rather than the standard three! The new Archer’s Set will help you shower your enemies with arrows! But that's not all. Each armour style (heavyweight, dodger and bonecrusher) will have a new unique super-blow to complement their unique combat style.
This time for winning Battlefields of the Past you will receive 3 Mark of the Fearless Warrior, a Love Bag of Scalps and 5 Platinum Thaler!


But do not be discouraged if you lose! For 
participation, you will receive 1 Mark of the Fearless Warrior!

Good luck, warriors! May the Arbiters of Fate bless you!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 2)

 Bankers generosity!26.07.2024 12:00

Warriors! Replenish your account with  diamonds and receive rewards that many  Ogriy and  Khair inhabitants dream of!
 Sum:    Reward:
When replenishing
When replenishing
When replenishing

Combine 100 of Fragment of a Druid coin and get one of chest of your choice! 

Please note: Crystals of Truth are non-transferrable!

The offer will last from 26.07, 12:00 till 29.07, 12:00.

Use this profitable opportunity to become stronger!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Bags of Magic Stones26.07.2024 12:00

Warriors of Faeo! In the Premium Shop, in the Perfect bezels section, you can buy upgrade bags for Perfect bezels with discounts up to 30%!


Till 13:00 29.07 you will receive an additional rewards for every 100  you spend in Premium Shop:

Hurry up to improve your perfect bezels!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 2)

 Beneficial exchange22.07.2024 12:00

Banks of  Ogriy and  Khair value and love their clients, because mutual respect is the foundation on which beneficial to both parties relations are built! Anyone who trades in diamonds will have a pleasant surprise...

With a one-time  29 diamonds for  gold exchange in the bank you will receive an additional reward! Hurry up! After all, bankers can change their minds...
There will be enough gifts for everyone!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Gifts for Diamonds Purchase22.07.2024 12:00

Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!

Warriors! Starting from today and till 12:00 26.07 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 20 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each  25 you buy.

IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 25! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 25 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Magic storm on Plateau!19.07.2024 17:00

Mages of Faeo haven't yet finished investigating the magic storms in different parts of the world, when a similar storm has already broken out on Ancient Plateau!
The only, but very significant change that the storm has brought into the usual battle rules on the Ancient Plateau is the inability to use most of the negative effects on the enemies in the above mentioned battlefields! But if one already has a negative effect on their character, it will not prevent them from visiting these!


Also, you will get 10 Gift of Power after teleporting on Plateu by clicking on !
You will also have no-break during the Magical Storm!
Event will start on 19.07 at 17:00 and will last 11:00 22.07. 

And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items in the Premium Shop. It will start on 19.07 at 17:00 and will last 11:00 22.07. 
Ready to meet the changed rules fully armed?
Will you have enough courage?
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 3)

 Bankers generosity!19.07.2024 12:00

Warriors! Replenish your account with diamonds and receive rewards that many Ogriy and Khair inhabitants dream of!

If your level is below 7 you will receive amulets Decrepit Dragon Gift Amulet instead of treats.

The offer will last from 19.07, 12:00 till 22.07, 12:00.

Use this profitable opportunity to become stronger!!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

The world of Faeo is famous for superbeings - dangerous creatures, living in secluded lairs. With them, they bring trouble, and from time to time Sheara herself calls brave warriors to combat these monsters! 


The Great Goddess announces the Triumph of the Blue Flame. The event consists of three stages. The first stage is called ‘Flame Prologue’ and lasts for 3 days. During this period of time, the warriors must work together to exterminate 8000 superbeings. The second stage, ‘Blue Flame Overture’, lasts 4 days. The task is to exterminate 11500 superbeings.  The third stage, ‘Final Symphony’, is 5 days to kill, 16000 superbeings. However, make sure you are up to the task! If Sheara's wishes are not met in time, the event will end!

To participate in the event, contact the elders  Baguron and  Verkiry. The wise elders will explain the meaning of the event and give you a special magical artefact - the Empty Super Soul Absorber. Attention, without it you will not be able to participate in the event! 

At the end of the Triumph of the Blue Flame, all participants will be able to collect Sheara's reward chests from the Elders. The more stages completed, the more generous the Goddess will be! Attention, you can only claim a reward from the Elder if your absorber has a charge of 3 or more!

The season for the hunt of superbeings just has started! The blue flame is in full swing!

But the worst is yet to come...
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 12)

For anyone who doesn't know me yet, let me introduce myself; I am   Crackerjack. My half-sister  Liusaidh encouraged me to share my travel experiences with you.


The idea of writing a diary didn't come from me at all. On my travels I met many people and creatures, some more interesting than others. There were a lot of good and decent characters - but also some who weren't worth getting to know. The idea of writing a diary wasn't mine, but the advice to write everything down came from someone I could not ignore...But everything in its own time..


 Warriors, let us wonder about this world together! 

Author: Liusaidh  More (comments: 3)

 July - Summer Pleasures16.07.2024 13:00

July is the best time for gathering the sweetest fruit and berries. Gardens of Faeo have ripe apples, honey pears, sweet raspberries and Magic Cherry.
This amazing fruit of cherry tree is endowed with magic charms and can instantly restore a warrior’s life force and mana that have been lost during combat.  Humans and  Magmars love Magic Cherry not only for its taste though, but also for Cherry Stones that are left afterwards. If you take a good aim you can strike a nice stone right in the middle of a tiresome opponent’s forehead, who has a sense of humour and is able to appreciate such a joke.

More information about Magic Cherry whereabounts can be collected at  Leolina the Fairy, who lives near Communal Grave, and  Serafim the Gnome, who resides at the Mines.
Please also pay attention to the update of goods in the rarity shop!
Good luck!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 10)

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