The legendary fifteenth birthday of “Legend: Legacy of the Dragons” has finally arrived! It is impossible to count the number of adventures, victories and new friends we have made over the years. It is a great age and a wonderful cause for a celebration, so join us over the next 14 days in Ogriy and Khair. As always, we have prepared something special for you!

To begin, visit the
Master of Ceremonies. He will certainly bless those who help him with pleasant gifts. Among the
special rewards you may find an unusual
Map - it is definitely
worth paying attention to. Rest assured, this is not just any old piece of parchment! It will lead you to an
outcast valley that stretches over the heads of unsuspecting residents in Faeo. It is here that the
wise dwarves found refuge. And, although they have lived long in solitude, the dwarves will not forget such
momentous dates in the world of Great Dragons. The skies are already buzzing with their own
holiday celebrations, which you can take part in too!
So, a lot of entertainment and surprises are waiting for you! Complete holiday tasks to accumulate points and advance your progress bar. For reaching certain checkpoints, you will receive rewards, and in the end — a permanent avatar.
Along with the legendary achievement, you will receive Faeo's «Fifteenth Birthday Box», which will bestow several rewards upon you. If you wish to receive even more rewards, including unique style items, you can exchange it at the Jubilee Store for a Special Faeo's «Fifteenth Birthday Box».
The rewards include raffle tickets, incarnation potions, holiday bags, sparks of heavenly flame, and much more. In addition to the wonderful rewards, you will also receive birthday cake and tokens of the 15th anniversary, which can be spent in the Jubilee Shop at the City Fairgrounds.
At the counter of this store you will find a lot of special products, including commemorative gifts, made especially for the current celebrations.
And of course, the special merits of each warrior are sure to be celebrated with an achievement!
During the event, you can discover special cards by killing monsters and super-beings, participating in battlefields and by collecting resources:
After collecting 8 different cards, you can combine them into a special deck with the help of Miriam the fortune teller:
Please note: you can exchange cards with other players or place them on the аuction. In addition, puzzle lovers will also be overjoyed - you can try to complete all 8 achievements related to the effects of this deck:

After completing
four and
eight of the
achievements in this series, you will receive
valuable rewards:
first player on the server to complete
all 8 achievements, will receive
an additional unique achievement:
Attention! Please refrain from completing daily quests between 00:00 and 04:00 if you wish to receive achievements.
The festive quest "Stairway to Heaven" is available to warriors who have reached level 3. Follow the request of the Master of Ceremonies to receive the task.
Please note: The Jubilee store will close its doors at 23:59 on 13.11.
Happy holidays, warriors! Happy birthday Faeo! We wish you happiness, luck and prosperity in forthcoming achievements! We have a lot to remember and even more interesting things ahead of us!