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 April Update Preview18.04.2018 14:00

Faeo Warriors! Spring is in full swing! After a long and cold winter, Faeo's nature begins its heyday. Green grass is coming to replace the snow's white blanket, and the sky is turning into a bright blue dome from gray and gloomy! Brooks are already running along the streets, birds are returning after wintering. Residents of Faeo are happy with the changes that are happening, but these are not the only grounds for joy! Along with spring's arrival residents of  Ogriy and  Khair are looking forwards to the long-awaited game changes!

A new update will bring a lot of interesting novelties into the game:

  • New spectral plane Death of Rahdaria with new quests.
  • Kretch Argash: new Lethal Crossroads boss
  • New jewelry heights for the most skilled jewelers.
  • New Great Deeds for Treasure Hunters Guild and Order of the Triads, which will be rewarded with new medals.
  • New mount Gromdrag.
  • New Courage Deed, after completing which you can get a temporary Dzerug mount.
  • New daily quests for level 13-17 warriors.
  • Mystery Chests can finally be opened.
  • New Astral Hunt enemies!
  • New Clan Citadel quest.
  • And many other important changes that will undoubtedly please you!

As you can see, there are a lot of changes. We offer you to familiarize yourself with them, so you are fully armed by the time of the update!

Hear the Death of Rahdaria!

You all know about the new territories for the most experienced fighters, the Rahdarian Desert
. Some of you are already fighting the soldiers of the ancient empire that once owned these lands and that have rose from their graves there. The Rahdarians are the most dangerous enemies. Not every warrior even a high-level one is capable of defeating them. Today we have great news for everyone who wants to fight in the Desert, but does not have enough strength for it.
After the update you will also be able go to the ghostly area between sleep and reality, called Death of Rahdaria. This place is inhabited by the shadows of the Rahdarians that are experiencing the death of their kingdom over and over again. Their shadows are weaker than the actual warriors of Rahdaria, so one can deal with them. But keep in mind that the reward for victory over them will be lower. Additionally, in the Death of Rahdaria you will not meet players of the enemy race and will be able to hunt without fear of a sudden attack.

Kretch Argash: new Lethal Crossroads boss

Few people knew that the famous Kretch Butcher had a brother named Axe. As powerful and evil, as his brother, he almost became the first in the pack. But the Butcher, using all his influence and cunning, managed to expel his relative. Axe went to wander the world of Faeo, until his track was lost in the Meridian Lands. And then the rumors about the new awful servant of God Eshu spread accross Faeo. 

Entrenched by the Shiass dark magic
, Axe forever disappeared in the dungeons, and Argash, a monster that only somewhat resembled the one whose body it has appropriated, was born instead. Terrifying outgrowths with poisonous spines protrude from the Kretch body. The creature repeatedly surpasses both Axe and his brother Butcher in strength and fury.

New jewelry heights

Great news
for the most skillful jewelers and all warriors of level 19! After the update, all jewelers whose skill level is not lower than 480, will be able to create runes for level 19 Pauldrons and Bracers, while those who have achieved 495 skill mastery can craft the elements for these.

Great Deeds for Treasure Hunters Guild and Order of the Triads

Every treasure hunter knows how difficult it is to get on the trail of hidden treasures. Old maps, secret signs, erased notes, narrow paths and dangerous encounters, the path to wealth is tortuous and thorny. But even the most experienced treasure hunter does not yet even imagine where this new quest rewarded with Medal of Worship will take them!

Globius and Avelius are obsessed with a new idea. They seek to get a mysterious object hidden in the tomb of the dark elves. But here's the misfortune, no one knows where this crypt is located. There are no living witnesses of the funeral, all chronicles have been lost, all parchments with the indication of the burial place turned to dust. So what can be done? There is no other way, you have to go find this information in the lands of the dead!

Three powerful magicians, whose powers lie beyond the understanding of mere mortals, three Chosen, carrying a vigilant patrol and ready to block the path to any enemy threatening the existance of the universe. Three custodians of knowledge about the nature of mysterious Triads...

Many centuries ago they have violated their treaty with Sheara, but not for their own ambitions, but only to imprison the One Who Can not Be Named. But the battle in which the Triad gained the upper hand is still wrapped in a veil of mystery. What became the key to victory?

Those warriors who have reached heights in working with the Order of the Triads and deserved a Medal of Honor, have to take the final step, a Great Deed is waiting for them!

New Deeds, a way to getting a Gromdrag!

After the update, each Faeo inhabitant that has reached level 5 will have access to three new one-time Deeds!

After completing one of the Deeds, you will receive a unique chest as a reward:   

Each chest contains a great amount of useful items, as well as a fragment of the Gromdrag amulet.
After completing all three Deeds, you will receive all three fragments. The final fourth fragment of the amulet can be achieved as a rarity prize from the special precious chest or when participating in the Mirror Magic event.

Time to open Mystery Chests!

Warriors! When reaching new levels and ranks you have been receiving chests with rewards. But at some point, having risen high, you have received mystery chests and chests that could not be unlocked. It's time to take a look into them!
After the update, warriors that have reached level 11 will be able to open the mystery chest that they have received at the 9th level! Now it's called Mystery Chest, its content will help you master combat sorcery! Mystery Casket, now called Mystery Casket, will will no longer collect dust either! Inside you will find many useful items that will help you in your ascent to new heights!

New Courage Deed!

Faeo warriors! After the update a new Courage Deed, after completing which you will be able to get possession of a temporary Dzerug mount, will become availbale to you!
Everyone will receive a Dzerug Amulet in accordance with their level as a reward. Participate in the "Trade Journey" event and get closer to the acquisition of the treasured amulet of the lizard!

Not a day without adventures! New daily quests!

Unexplored trails of distant lands are fraught with serious danger. Travelers are being hunted by the creations of darkness, predatory beasts and birds, and even plants! But wild creatures are not the only source of death threats. The war between intelligent creatures also does not cease for a moment... The Eldives and Kroffdors converge in endless battles, seeking weaknesses in the enemy's defenses and seeking new ways of gaining advantage...

Faeo warriors! After the update you will be able to get new 13-17 level daily quests. By destroying enemies, gaining valuable items and protecting the world from sinister creatures you will not only spend time with profit, but will also gain valuable rewards!

New Astral Hunt enemies!

Important news for those warriors that have embarked on the path of astral hunting and are battling with the eerie and foreign projections of the monsters of Faeo. If you succeed in this dangerous and noble cause and want to develop further you will have such an opportunity now!

Butcher and Bog Elf projectors thanks to which you can challenge these horrible wraiths to battle have appeared in the Astral Hunters shop. By fighting them, you can raise your reputation to 1000 and 1500 respectively.

New Clan Citadel quest

Defenders of Fao! Work is in full swing day and night in the fortresses, combat brotherhoods are striving to expand their possessions and to derive the maximum benefit from their buildings. We bring you pleasant news! You will be able to build a new building in the Clan Citadel in May.
Crystal of Unity will allow you to automatically receive new daily quests. To perform these quests, you will need to be in the same group that your clan members. With the help of the new building you will be able to receive «Clan Unity» Badge and exchange them for new products in the shop.
New currency: Platinum Thalers

When purchasing some goods in the Premium Shop and during special sales from our bankers after the update you will be able to get the new currency Platinum Thaler as a reward.

Additionally, Thalers can be obtained by opening special precious trunks! The chance of finding Thalers depends significantly on the level of your premium account. By the way! For the very fact of increasing the level of your Premium account you will now also be rewarded with a certain amount of platinum coins.

Now the most interesting part: what can you spend this new money on? You will find a special shop where only platinum is accepted for payment at the city fair in the Exchange tent. Only valuable things are traded here, and the choice is really wide: from quest resources, such as the Evil Eye,  to rare mounts such as Cerrador or Shaissar jewelry!

Receive platinum thalers bonus for purchases. Buy valuable goods in the "platinum" shop and become even stronger!
Other changes

  • New locations aimed at characters of the 19th level have been added. A special chain of quests, which you can get by talking with the Elder Baguron or the Elder Verkiry, opens access to these locations. There you will be ableto find new monsters and resources for 480 and 510 mastery.
  • Now it is suggested by default to create the maximum number of items (based on the available ingredients) in the list of recipes for the Elt Cube.
  • Now the "use" tab is opened by default in the buildings of personal Estate. (the last opened tab for each building is still saved in cookies.)
  • The same amount of valor is given out now on the battlefields of equals as on the normal battlefields.
  • Valor for fleeing from battlefields is written off the amount of valor given for victory.
  • Battlefields level groups changed
  • The list of instance maps is sorted by levels for the convenience of finding the right map.
  • Enchanted items in fast pockets now always display the actual number of remaining uses.
  • You now have an opportunity to mark exchange lots as favorites, which will allow you to to submit bids on them much more faster. A character can store up to 20 favorite lots.
  • Writing off clan treasury debt will now proceed correctly, as it was intended.
  • Clan debt is automatically reduced by 3% for every full week, during which the player does not take gold from the treasury (not less than 1 and not more than 5 gold). For example, you took 10 from the treasury, and your clan debt became 10. After 7 full days the debt will automatically decrease by 1 and become 9. Note that it is not counted as a calendar week, but as a fixed time period.
  • All long damage spells of one combat style deal damage over the same time periods (the damage for each activation has been changed so that the total damage remains unchanged for the duration of the action).
  • The cost of direct damage spells of the second and third levels of all magic schools has been slightly reduced.
  • The spells of the Fire and Air school have the same bonus chance of critical damage at each level (previously the chance decreased with each level of the spell).
  • The additional effect of spells of the Light and Shadow schools deals more base damage, they are activated more quickly, but work with a reduced chance. The chances of triggering are now the same at all spell levels (for example, Streams of Light III previously applied "Painful Shock that causes 75 damage over 30 seconds", now a Painful Shock deals 105 damage over 25 seconds).
  • Increased the bonus chance of stunning for all spells of the Earth and Water schools. Same as before, it is the same at all levels.
  • Clan items can no longer be transferred between clan members through direct trade.
  • When putting on a clan item with the property "Becomes untransferable after wearing" it stops being a clan item (accordingly, it does not return to the treasury after leaving the clan).
  • System messages about lockpicks trying to remove someone’s ball and chain won’t show in location chat anymore.
  • You can no longer accept invitations to participate in battle for hand if you stand in line for any other battlefield.
  • Style items that have active combat effects, such as the "Soul Reaper" Scythe or some event headwear, will be displayed and work even when you have the "not to display style items" checkbox on.
  • Dzerug mount has been updated: two new skills have been added, "Confusion" and "Mark of Fear".
  • The amount of Glory that you have received is now displayed in chat similar to other deeds.
  • Changes to Clan Fortresses:
  1. the time allotted for striking changed from 20 seconds to 12 seconds;
  2. a timer was added to auto release warlord like how it works on CW;
  3. an outline has been added to the "Ready" button, that indicates that the enemy team has already placed their players and is ready to start a battle;
  4. the warlord will not be able to transfer himself to the battle first now in the process of distributing players;
  5. you can now release your reserve forces without releasing spirits;
  6. you can now only see messages from your own clan in the general chat ;
And also new quests, artifacts, achievements and much more! Follow the news to find out the exact date of the update!

The changes will start happening in the game from April 23rd! The exact time frame of the Downtime will be announced on a later date.
The long-awaited changes will be released very soon!
Author: Lisad, editor note: Lisad

21. -Pearl- 23.04.2018 12:40
ähm today it is 23rd but nothing about update? Can u tell us a dateline? haha i­ want to plan my feo day thanks and nice day for all
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