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 Luck Glow01.05.2024 12:00

Please note that by participating in the event, you can receive unique items as rare rewards: Bratwell’s Breastplate Token and Glif-a-Mirey’s Boots Token!


The elders that restlessly observe the  Well of Fortune and  Mouth of Fortune in the continents' capitals brought good news to the people of Faeo. They found out that now and then the fire in the bottomless split burns brighter than usual, while the calm water of the well is covered by impenetrable fog. 

Since 01.05 12:00 everyone who throws   1 5 1 or  5 in the altars of the fate, might attract the attention of the higher forces and receive quite a real reward: ranging from regular elixirs to unique armor.

Also. during this event, when donating  gold coins or  precious stones to the gods, the following bonuses shall apply:
  • x2 reward for donating  1 gold coin or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating  5 gold coins or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating  1 diamond or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate:
  • x2 reward for donating  5 diamonds or x4 reward, after exchanging 100 or 250 certificate.

Attention! With every donation of  gold coins or  diamonds, you increase your chance of earning the Carved Flame Token!

Please note the changes! The bows you receive as a rare prize now have no lifespan! In addition, their characteristics have been increased and the bows themselves can be transferred once!

Don't miss the moment when Luck Glow shines over Faeo!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 4)

 Gifts for Diamonds Purchase29.04.2024 12:00

Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!

Warriors! Starting from today and till 12:00 03.05 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 21 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each  25 you buy.

IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 25! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 25 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Bags of Magic Stones29.04.2024 12:00

Warriors of Faeo! In the Premium Shop, in the Perfect bezels section, you can buy upgrade bags for Perfect bezels with discounts up to 30%!


Till 12:00 01.05 you will receive an additional rewards for every 100  you spend in Premium Shop:

Hurry up to improve your perfect bezels!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

 Magic storm on Plateau!26.04.2024 17:00

Mages of Faeo haven't yet finished investigating the magic storms in different parts of the world, when a similar storm has already broken out on Ancient Plateau!
The only, but very significant change that the storm has brought into the usual battle rules on the Ancient Plateau is the inability to use most of the negative effects on the enemies in the above mentioned battlefields! But if one already has a negative effect on their character, it will not prevent them from visiting these!


Also, you will get 10 Gift of Power after teleporting on Plateu by clicking on !
You will also have no-break during the Magical Storm!
Event will start on 26.04 at 17:00 and will last 11:00 29.04. 

And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items in the Premium Shop. It will start on 26.04 at 17:00 and will last 11:00 29.04. 
Ready to meet the changed rules fully armed?
Will you have enough courage?
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 1)

 Bankers generosity!26.04.2024 12:00

Warriors! Replenish your account with diamonds and receive rewards that many Ogriy and Khair inhabitants dream of!
 Sum:    Reward:

The offer will last till 29.04, 12.00.

Use this profitable opportunity to become stronger!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

 Sky Power-up: Kretch Butcher25.04.2024 16:00

The astrologers are looking curiously into the starry distance, as the celestial bodies line up in a previously unknown constellation. Its outline resembles that of a familiar creature – a huge Kretch!?

Mothers hug their babies and lock themselves in their homes. Warriors polish their armor and sharpen their blades. After all, a trip to the lair of the dangerous is a matter of honor. And after defeating a dangerous monster, you will receive a worthy reward: for the first victory over the enemy, you will receive Battered Chest, and for subsequent victories - Small Shabby Chest.

1 5
  • You will be able to fight the Heavenly version of the Kretch Butcher in the Kretches’ Lair;
  • The battle with the Heavenly version of the Kretch Butcher is available for players who have reached level 3;
  • During the event, you can get Battered Chest once, and Small Shabby Chest up to five times.

Fight this formidable foe, warriors!
Show it true rage of the Defenders of Faeo!

Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

 Beneficial exchange24.04.2024 12:00

Banks of Ogriy and Khair value and love their clients, because mutual respect is the foundation on which beneficial to both parties relations are built! Anyone who trades in diamonds will have a pleasant surprise...
With a one-time 59 diamonds for gold exchange in the bank you will receive an additional reward! Hurry up! After all, bankers can change their minds...
There will be enough gifts for everyone!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 3)

 Gifts for Diamonds Purchase22.04.2024 12:00

Diamonds, that shine under the rays of Mirrow, are rightfully considered to be the most valuable currency of the world of Faeo. Warriors with the handful of diamonds can open many doors, and tradesmen will be glad to offer rarest goods. Now you can receive valuable and important goods for the mere fact of purchasing diamonds, without actually spending them!

Warriors! Starting from today and till 12:00 26.04 when purchasing diamonds, during the special offer, you will receive gifts! There are 20 valuable gifts, which you will receive one by one for each  40 you buy.

IMPORTANT! You can now do that in multiple purchases - your reward will unlock after the sum of your purchases is greater than 40! After receiving one prize, you will receive the next one after purchasing another 40 diamonds in total. Remember that you don't have to spend the diamonds to get the rewards!
Hurry - this offer is limited in time!
Author: MisterFixxer  More (comments: 0)

Valiant warriors! Mages of Faeo, while closely studying the phenomenon of sporadic storms in different parts of the world, found out that a similar storm is about to break out in the Crystalline Caves!
Additionally, the changes that the storm will introduce into the usual rules of this battlefield have been revealed! So you now have time to pepare.

You will also have double valor and no-break during the Magical Storm in Crystalline Caves!

For each of the first three victories of the day in the Crystalline Caves, you will receive 5 Mark of the Fearless Warrior token, and for the third participation in the day, you will receive 1 Mithril Key and 1 Old vial of fog powder!
Magical storms never last long. On April 22 at 11:00 the rules will again be the same.

 And for the battles to be even more fascinating, the sale of valuable items has began in the Premium Shop. It will last until 11:00 22.04.
Will you have the courage to enter the vaults of the Crystalline Caves during the Magical Storm when the time comes?
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 2)

 Spring Chaotic Battles19.04.2024 17:00

A gentle spring breeze envelops the landscape: within it is the familiar scent of blooming flowers and sounds of joyful Faean residents. However, there is a place where even the awakening of spring cannot calm the heat of battles. Welcome to the Spring Chaotic Battles!

Spring magic has wrapped the Scorched Lands, bringing forth special rules and rewards. During the event, the valor coefficient for Chaotic Battle increases:
  • For winners: +300% (previously +200%);
  • For losers: +200% (previously +150%).
2 1 1

But that's not all: winners will receive 2 Platinum ThalerBag of Scalps and Mark of the Fearless Warrior as a reward!
The event will start on 19.04 at 17:00 and will end on 22.04 at 11:00.

Warriors! Draw your blades in preparation for the hot spring battles!
Author: Tigerok  More (comments: 0)

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