The Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Forum has been established to enable players to communicate and help each other. We want you to enjoy the game in a decent, relaxed and secure environment.
Therefore the basic main rule is to treat each other the way you would like to be treated yourself - with respect and courtesy. The following may not cover every eventuality but contains the ground rules everyone should follow.
The Forum language is English, except for the Hall of Languages Forum where any language may be used. Still all the other forum rules apply here just as well.
There is no excuse for using offensive, racist, obscene or other inappropriate language while writing in the forum. Swearing, discrimination, insults, inflammatory remarks, and real live threats will not be tolerated. Discussions about illegal activities which could harm the health or property of our players are not allowed. In addition spamming, extreme use of CAPs or any other disturbing posts such as posting chat logs on our forum are forbidden.
It is not allowed to ask for or tell players personal contact details such as address, phone number and/or email. With that rule we want to protect you and your privacy. Giving out such details can also put your account at a high security risk. Be always aware that it is potentially dangerous to give out any contact details to people you do not really know. Goodbye threads will be closed as well.
Also we do not tolerate website advertising. Please post only links to War of Dragons related content or websites. Any player posting other website information that maybe considered harmful to other players will receive a severe punishment.
Signature and Avatar
The signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size (spaces included). Links should only lead to War of Dragons websites. You may not use any offensive avatar with violent, racist, political and sexual content.
Complaints about Mentors, Guards, Forum Moderators or Admins
No one is perfect and mistakes can happen. Therefore you have the option to complain about actions that were made against your account. If you think your penalty was not correct, there are special forum threads in the Mentor and Guard Advice Forums. Post your complaints only there. Any complaints in the main forum will be deleted.
Important links:
Complaints about Magmar Mentors
Complaints Against Human Mentors
Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters_Magmar
Report Hacked or Suspicious Characters_Humans
Bad Nicknames_Magmar
Bad Nicknames_Humans
Complaints About Curses_Magmar
Complaints About Curses_Humans
Foul Letters and Gifts_Magmar
Foul Letters and Gifts_Humans
Complaints About Wrong Curse Of Silence_Magmar
Complaints About Wrong Curse Of Silence_Humans
Forum - Warning System
Shall you have any personal matters to resolve feel free to contact Administration/Headguards/Headmentors/Head of Structures. |