Receipt: from Level 11 from
Benita and
Description: Who among the residents of Faeo has not admired the
little pets, growing happily under the tender care of
Bonna Benita
Mila? The young beast tamers are able on their own to tame predatory animals and other
creatures that little is known about - such as fairies, ghosts and even little snowmen! Isn’t that
just a perfect example of what can be achieved with kindness and tenderness?!
If you have
reached level 11 and acquired magic skills that correspond to your position, then the time has
come to put your skills into helping the residents of the pet nursery! Thankfully a great deal of effort
will not be required for this - all the brave little ones need are good care, the caring hands of an owner
and a little magic, which will strengthen them and help them become reliable and loyal defenders!
Once a day the pet nursery owner can give you a magic medallion, which will maintain its power for precisely one
hour. Hurry and destroy as many of the evil monsters wandering around Faeo as possible in that
time and make sure you are no more than one level higher than your opponent... If you stick to that
condition you will be able to gather from the bodies of the defeated predators a special Vital
Substance, which the pets so need to become strong and agile. Give the substance to
Benita and
Sweet Mila
– and they will tell everyone about your kindness and your reputation among the Pet
Patrons will significantly grow!
If you do not want your pets to become stronger through the death of monsters, you can help the pets
another way. In a place where there are so many fussy little pets there is always something needed.
Every three days
Bonna Benita and
Sweet Mila ask
volunteers to carry out an important task: for example, to catch the young of different
monsters in order to tame them... This is not an easy task for the bloodthirsty monsters are unlikely to
give up their young without a fight! But the reward for such a task is great - not just the love and loyalty
of the new pets but also respect among the Patrons!
Naturally, the more often you look in on the pet nursery owner and carry out her tasks, the
easier it will be to gather as much Vital Substance as you can in one go! If you miss a visit
to the beast tamer, do not be surprised if you gather less substance the next time. By the way, the growth
of your reputation depends directly on the amount of substance gathered! Experienced Pet Patrons can acquire
miraculous elixirs in the pet nursery for their pets and then they may obtain the rarest of
Demonstrate all your generosity and help the small residents of the pet nursery get
stronger and find good owners!
You can increase your reputation using Spark of the Heavenly Fires. You
can hand it to the NPC who initiated you to the reputation. 1 spark will give
you 200 reputation points.
Attention! You have to
complete quest «Pet patrons»
Pet Patron Rewards
By carrying out the many requests of the beast tamers and showing valuable support to the pet nursery, you
will not only receive the highest Medal of Worship, you will take the first step on the way
to further improving your ward. Warriors that own this priceless reward can obtain
and read an ancient folio, which talks about the training of pets that achieved true heights in
their training and become loyal and reliable helpers. If you become familiar with this work, the
beast tamer will carry out a final training with your pet and that will make them the most obedient and
useful creature in the world of Faeo!
Demonstrate all your generosity and help the small residents of the pet
nursery get stronger and find good owners!
Last updated: May 2022