
Heavenly Valley of the Dwarfs

Available from level 4, after completing the quest "The Stairway to Heaven".






The inhabitants of the world of Faeo have only recently become acquainted with the Gnomes who live in the clouds. The way there is extremely difficult, but what can stop a brave warrior? The Celestial Valley of the Gnomes holds many unknown treasures, because wise Gnomes have collected knowledge and relics for hundreds of years. Now it's time to look behind the secrets! Perform the daily tasks of the Gnomes, learn the secrets of their craftsmanship and buy amazing artifacts at the fair.



Stairway to Heaven


To access the Celestial Valley, you will need to complete "The Stairway to Heaven" quest. The task can be started by using the Map which you will receive when you log in to the game during the event.


The Heavens are open to me!


Completing this task will make it possible to enter the Celestial Valley anytime during the current event from the City Fair. You will also be able to prove your best intentions to the honorable Gnomes by completing the daily tasks of the valley inhabitants and the one-time quest "Cards in the Wind".


Please note: This task needs to be completed during every event.

You can also complete this quest by reading Book "The Chronicle of Faeo: Celestial Valley of the Gnomes".



Tickets to the fair


In order to participate in activities in the Celestial Valley, you will need special tickets. You can get them from Foemir the Gnome in exchange for the Gnomes of Celestial Valley reputation. The available options for ticket exchange depend on your current reputation level.



Reputation cost Tickets received
10 1
50 5
100 11
500 53
1000 105
2000 210


If you have the medal of friendship of the Gnomes of Celestial Valley, you will also be able to purchase a limited number of tickets for gold.



Daily tasks


Once you have some tickets to the fair, you can start taking part in various activities prepared for you by the Gnomes. Beginning each daily quest requires 1 Ticket to the fair, and as a reward, you will receive 30 reputation points and various achievements.

You can receive additional reputation for daily tasks by using Masks of the Gnomish Metamorphosis:



Quest Description
Aerial Battles

 Foemir the Gnome
Win a battle on the Circle of Power battlefield or take part in 5 battles on the Circle of Power battlefield.

Circle of Power is a special battlefield where battles are fought one-on-one, no armour or weapons are allowed, and there is a limited number of blesses and combat effects you can choose from.
Breath of Fury

 Foemir the Gnome

By defeating a superbeing, obtain Dead Fury.



Please note: there is no guarantee of obtaining the Dead Fury after killing a superbeing, sometimes multiple fights are required.
Dead Fury cannot be obtained from superbeings living in the Abode of Eternal Ice.

Celestial Archery

 Foemir the Gnome

Using the Gnomish Bow in battle, hit the target 5 times in a row.



The fight can be started by talking to Foemir after you have equipped the Gnomish Bow.
Pay attention to the effects on the mannequin and choose the appropriate arrow to defeat the opponent.

A Celestial Delicacy

 Foemir the Gnome

Bring the following resources to Foemir the Gnome:




Completing this quest brings an additional reward: Gnomish Pie.

The Fair is on!

 Foemir the Gnome

Bring one of the following resources to Foemir the Gnome:




Prizes for the Celestial Fair

 Foemir the Gnome

Using Gnomish Sewing Needle and Ragtikron Leather, create 5 Festival Prizes.



  5   5


Plase note: in order to get 5 festival prizes, you will need to use the needle 5 times.

I have questions - you have answers

 Miriam the Fortune Teller
Answer Miriam's question about the world of Faeo.
Order not only in Thoughts

 Miriam the Fortune Teller
Complete a puzzle.


Accuracy is what I’m about! I hit the target perfectly! Energetic archer I need more arrows! Master of Archery

Stitch by stitch I really know toys! Golden needle Sewing master Never too many toys!

Novice researcher Confident expert Gnome educator Keeper of knowledge Sage’s successor

Everyone in due order Brooms to the side! A bucket for me, a broom for you A tireless worker Recognized master of cleanliness

The Great Helper of the Gnomes





Cards on the Wind


After completing the "Stairway to Heaven" quest, a new task becomes available, "Cards on the Wind", from  Miriam the Fortune Teller. This quest can be completed once per event.

Your task is collect 8 cards form the Miriam Deck. Cards can be obtained by killing monsters and superbeings, collecting resources, and fighting on the battlefields.



Rewards: 100 Gnomes of Celestial Valley reputation, Miriam Deck.

Miriam Deck has a lifespan of 14 days and can be used 4 times a day.


The Cards are in Place



Craftsman's Oracle Deck


Apart from the temporary Miriam Deck, you can also collect the Craftsman's Oracle Deck.


Gild My Palm!


However, cards from this set cannot be found in regular packs of cards or exchanged in the Fay-Go Library. They can only be found in the Oracle Decks purchased from the Celestial Valley Fair.



The deck can be used twice a day.



Card effects


When you use the Miriam Deck or the Craftsman's Oracle Deck, you will receive a random card effect for 1 hour.


While you're under the effect of the cards, you can complete special tasks, for which you will receive achievements and chests filled with valuable items.

Please note: the tasks can be completed only while under the effect of the corresponding card!
Once you complete a task related to one of the effects, you will not be able to receive that effect again until all the tasks are finished.


Card Effect Task
Extra chance to receive Evil Eye when killing monsters under the effects of Rainbow Power or Vertsida's Fury. Kill 5 enemies of your level on the battlefields on in the contested areas.
Prophecy +10 While collecting resources at night (00:00 - 04:00), obtain 50 Moon Pearls and use them in the backpack.
This task can be completed also by collecting resources in Mystras.
Percentage of additional coins +1 Bring 1000 Gnome Coins to  Bludiara or  Maritsa after midnight.
Critical hit chance (%) +1 Kill Harcide 10 times and lose to Harcide 10 times.
Extra valour +2 Kill 500 monsters (no more than one level below yours).
If you draw this card, you will receive a random romantic gift, for example:

Bring 1000 Gnome Coins to Consecrator  Langri or  Rubaddu and give the received gift to any player.
Increases Strength and Wisdom by 1%. Eat 500 pcs of Gammon.
Speed +3 In exchange for 1000 Gnome Coins, obtain Popgun from  Nadilarie or  Sheamus, and use it in the enemy race's City Fair.


The Sleepless Night of Pearls ...You Can’t Avoid Ten Love Projectile A Joke up Somebody’s Alley

Peacekeeping Forces A Little Starstruck Day of Judgment The Great Feast



Four Predictions      11250131
Eight Predictions      22500161



Spark of heavenly fire



Great Spark of Heavenly Flame can be used to increase your Gnomes of Celestial Valley reputation. Foemir the Gnome will give you 50 reputation points in exchange for such spark.



Fairground Entertainment Expert


Fairground Entertainment Expert


The title of  Fairground Entertainment Expert is awarded to warriors who prove their loyalty to the Gnomes of Celestial Valley and receive the following achievements:


Never too many toys! Recognized master of cleanliness Master of Archery Sage’s successor
By balloon, to the heavens Gild My Palm! The Cards are in Place The Great Helper of the Gnomes Eight Predictions


The Fairground Entertainment Expert achievements is required for obtaining the Medal of Worship of the Gnomes of the Celestial Valley.





Reputation medals can be purchased in the Celestial Valley Fair.


Medals not only give you access to various rewards, but they also determine the maximum amount of reputation you can get:


Medal Requirements and cost Reputation limit
- - 500
500 reputation

1000 reputation

2000 reputation

3000 reputation

3000 reputation
 Fairground Entertainment Expert




Treasures of the Gnomes


Fairground vendors will also gladly accept tickets as payment for their fancy merchandise.








- 5 1 -
10 1
10 2
25 -
5 -
20 3

5 1
30 4
15 1
20 15
50 2
100 1

250 1





Pet lovers will also find something for their little companions at the Celestial Valley Fair. Make Your Pet Happy set contains four items from the Pets collections.



These books will grant your pets the ability to bestow you with a blessing appropriate to the pet's class.



Last updated: November 2024



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