Available: From the 3rd level Gredeya the Witch and Brugilda the Sorceress. There are no restrictions.

Description: The archaic order of the Juggernauts is occupied with searching and killing the most dangerous monsters living in the world of Faeo. Since ancient times the hunters of the order went to the most remote and unexplored places, hoping to find a new Superbeing and to defeat it. Every kill was rewarded – the protectors of the order exchanged the resources that hunters obtained during their hunt with magic Quicksilver, which is needed for charging the Gnome Runes.
Time passed and the hunters grew smaller and smaller. It came to the point that of all the curators of the order were only the Gredeya the Witch and Brugilda the Sorceress. Since they are aware of the desperate situation of the Juggernauts they decided to open access to the knowledge and the possibilities of the order to all warriors who are capable of destroying the Superbeings of Faeo.
From now on every warrior who destroys a Superbeing and receives a unique resource can go to Gredeya the Witch and Brugilda the Sorceress in order to exchange the received item for a certain amount of Quicksilver. Every time you kill a Superbeing your Juggernaut Reputation will increase by 10 points. Of course from a certain amount of Reputation you can only increase it by killing stronger Superbeings.
The amount of Reputation with the Juggernauts will influence the amount of Quicksilver you will get for each resource you exchange. The better your relation with the Juggernauts, the more profitable the exchange rate that Gredeya and Brugilda offer will be.