The players that posses a pet, have a chance to receive Spirit Charmers reputation, if they are in a clan.
In battles with monsters, whose level is the same as the level of the pet, summoned in battle, the warrior can obtain a Pet Essence. This is a small helper spirit of a slain enemy that has taken a ghostly image. If your pet has had
special training with
Sweet Mila or
Bonna Benita, then
he chance of obtaining more Essence is significantly increased.
Essence Drop |
level |
Regular Drop |
Additional drop, if you are lucky |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
As to see and collect the ghostly pet on the battlefield you need to take the amazing Elixir of Ghostly Vision, which will give you magical sight.
To be able to receive Essences, the level of your pet should not be lower than 5. The pet must be present in the battle and must be fed. We would also like to point out that Essence can be collected only from certain pets. The table with the list of pets and their Essences is presented below.
Having collected a certain amount of Essences, the warrior can hand them over to the leader of their clan, who will got to
Lady Guinevere and
Lady Cordelia and increase your Spirit Charmers reputation in exchange for ghostly pet Essences. When the reputational level reaches a certain limit, it will become possible to purchase a Clan Totem, which is intended to protect a warrior during a battle that has proven himself to the Spirit Charmers. The magic amulet is able to reflect the damage inflicted in the heat of battle, within 5 turns. The power of the Clan totem depends directly on the number of Essences handed over: the more powerful the totem, the higher the percentage of reflected damage.

Last updated: March 2023