There are three gathering professions in the game. Players who have reached level 3 can choose the profession of geologist, herbologist or fisherman. Herbologists study and collect the plants of the world of Faeo. The profession it taught by herbologists
Herbier and
Foglio in the Guild of Artisans at City Squares of
Dartrong and

Skill level
Extraction of resources
Auxiliary tools and effects
List of herbologist resources
For gathering plants you will need an appropriate tool - one of the sickles available in the game:
In order to find out what resources are available to you for extraction, look in the professions window by clicking on the "professions" button on the right side of your screen.

In the open window to the left you can see your current skill level, as well as the maximum skill.

Just below that there is a button which you can use to resign the profession. Be careful! If you resign a profession, you will be deprived of all experience and knowledge obtained.
On the right hand side of the profession menu you can see a table listing all resources that you can extract, as well as the quantity of resources you already acquired.

The color of the resource name depends on the probability of increasing your profession skill level:
Orange - very high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Violet - high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Blue - average probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Green - low probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Gray - minimal probability of increasing your professional mastery.
The maximum skill level depends on the character’s level:
The gathering process itself is very simple. First, you should open the hunt screen by clicking the bear icon in the top menu:

By clicking on a resource on the map, in the upper right corner of the hunt screen you will be able to see the name of the resource, its image, the skill level required for collection, and how easy it is to find it in the location.

If you decide to gather the plant, click on the gather button in the top left corner of the hunt screen:

Alternatively, you can double click on the plant. Then the process of gathering will start:

It might happen that you will get an error message "You do not have the necessary skill level!" – it means that it is not possible to collect that plant with your current skill level, you will need to increase it first by gathering other plants.
If you forgot to put your sickle on, you will get a message saying "You do not have the necessary tools!"
When the gathering process starts, a small yellow circle will appear, indicating the number of people attempting to gather the same plant.

Extraction of a flower does not always conclude successfully. If you were unsuccessful in extracting a plant, you will see the following message:

If you were successful, the plant will disappear from the hunt screen and you will get a notification in the chat:

Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can receive a Liciousberry or two additional plants:

If by gathering the plant you have managed to increase your skill level, you will also be notified in chat:

When gathering resources you should keep in mind that there are animals and monsters walking next to you. Chances are good that they will attack you and all you can do is trying to fight the attacker with the sickle. As a weapon, sickle is not very ineffective, therefore your chances of winning are not that good.
If you are not careful while collecting resources, you might not only get attacked by monsters, but also get a Splinter. You will then need to ask other players for help – if they own a First Aid Kit or a First Aid Kit, they will be able to help you.
The First Aid Kit can be obtained from a level 3 quest called "Drunk on Blood" (available from
Pymen the Monk or
Samuel the Cleric). You can also upgrade it to First Aid Kit by completing a level 5 quest "Folk Healer" (also from Pymen or Samuel).
Once a week you can also receive Healing Liqueur from
Herbier or
Foglio in exchange for Liciousberry (5pcs) or Master's Healing Liqueur in the reward shop during May Mess. It will allow you to remove the splinter by yourself. Unlike the liqueur you can get every week from the herbologist, the liqueur obtained during the May event doesn’t have a lifespan.
While gathering plants, you can receive elements of Herbologist’s Belongings collection:
When you use the Herbologist's Reward Statue, you will receive Sign of the Master (10 pcs), which can then be spent on various useful items in the Professional Shop in Guild of Artisans.
Skill level
If you want to increase your skill level faster, you can use Master Herbologist Spirit Sphere – it will increase your skill level by 5 points (but no more than the maximum skill for your level). You can also use Advanced Herbologist Skill Scroll which will immediately increase the skill to the maximum possible level for your character.
There are ways to temporarily increase the professional skill – it’s even possible to increase it above the maximum for your level, allowing you to collect higher level plants. You can use for that one of the skill balms available for purchase in the Estate Shop, they will increase your herbologist skill for 2 hours.
Also collections (found in Treasure Hunters tab in the Collections) can help you temporarily increase the skill level of your gathering profession:
There are also certain items you can get once in the game, for example: Emerald Book, which you can receive as a reward for completing quest "Lost Emerald Book Pages" [7], and Book of Skill – a reward for 2000 influence in
Caves of Fear or
Shuar Forest.
Additionally, during Mirror Magic event, you have a chance to obtain Resource Gatherer Gloves – they will increase your herbologist skill by 5 units whenever you wear them. The gloves can be used together with resource gatherer skill effects. You can obtain temporary resource gloves during May Mess event.
If you decide to resign or change profession, but you would like to go back to being a herbologist at some point, you can use Saved Herbologist Skill to temporarily save your current skill level. The number of acquired plants in the profession tab will also be saved. Remember that the profession will be abandoned automatically after you use the scroll. You can check the level of your saved profession in Attributes tab in your backpack. It is possible to save more than one profession. When you decide to restore your saved level of herbologist profession, talk to
Herbier or
Foglio in the Guild of Artisans.
Success and triple procurement
There are several ways of increasing your chance of successful mining and the chance of triple collection.
After studying Artisans Legacy Code, you can choose one of three talents related to professions. Reducing Chance of breakdown talent will increase your chance of successful procurement.
Chance of Success during Procurement talent will increase your chance of triple procurement.
Enchanted Wooden Shield, which you can get as a rare prize in Mirror Magic event, will also help you collect resources without fail and increase your chance of receiving additional plants. Temporary Old Wooden Shield can be obtained during May Mess.
Temporary work tools, resource gloves and wooden shield are not the only profession related items you can purchase in May Mess reward shop. Potions which increase the likelihood of successful procurement can also be acquired there:
Potions of Success can also be purchased in the Estate Shop.
Elixirs which will increase your chance of successful gathering and receiving extra resources are also available for purchase in the Professional Shop in Guild of Artisans for Signs of the Master.
During Trading Journey you can obtain Skilful Master Elixir (no more than 20 of those potions can be purchased during a single event).
Your sickle can be improved with runes, which will increase your success rate and your chance to obtain Beef Beetle. Also bezels increasing success probability can be applied on your professional tool.
There are also symbols which can help your gathering profession. Atum-Forte Symbol of Mastery provides an additional 2% chance of tripling procurement of resources and can be applied to bracers or pauldrons. Atoum-Va Symbol of Confidence (applied to cuisses, boots, bracers or pauldrons) raises the chance to successfully gather a resource.
Additionally, every time one of your referrals obtains their first gathering profession, you will receive Great Encyclopaedia of the Skilled Earner (2 pcs), using which also increases the chance of success.
Other items and effects
If you feel that monsters attack you too often when you mine stones, you can use one of the rings to protect yourself from the attacks:
Invisibility also provides protection from monsters’ attacks. But you need to remember that if you receive a Splinter when you are invisible, other players will not be able to remove it for you. The only way to get rid of splinter then will be to use Healing Liqueur or Master's Healing Liqueur.
In the Magic Pot in Clan Citadel players can create Selfish Hex Amulet – be careful, if someone uses it on you, your chance of successful mining will be reduced and you will be getting a lot more splinters.
If you backpacks are not large enough to fit all the stones you collect, you can think about getting an artisan’s bag.
While gathering plants, you can receive various achievements.
You will receive an achievement when you collect one of the plants for the first time, and then an achievement when you collect 100, 250, 500 and 999 plants of that type.

Achievements for collecting rare plant – gambier – are awarded when you collect it once and then 10, 50 and 100 times.

You will also receive achievements for triple collection and for receiving Splinter.

Additionally, there are achievements for finding Tarariquon and Liciousberry.

Herbologist resources
Skill Level
Magmar Locations
Human Locations
Place of Sorrow
Barrow of Death
County Vurdaliya
Zviglod Grove
Virigiya District
Communal Grave
Dead Cove
Berona Ranges
Clan Burial Grounds
Settlement Angrukhon
Village Angriyar
Village of Zviglod
Village of Knigala
Royal Tomb
Outskirts of the Silent Steppe
Pacifist Hills
Smoky Knolls
Lost Wastelands
Settlement of Faytir
Baurvill Hamlet
Free Meadows
Valley of Fire
Glade of Dreams
Grotto Maettro
Light’s Edge
Paradise Corner
Steppe Vista
Mentaliya Settlement
Manor of Budrimakh
Wirgold Estate
Graves of the Poor
Gorge of Chernag
Tomb of Kings
Terror Wharf
Sly Cove
Canyon of Immortality
Graves of the Poor
Outskirts of Klesva
Sleepy Valley
Grand Fort Harbour
Gorge of Gondi
Forgotten Mines
Wild Forest
Vassals’ Tomb
Ancestral Mountains
Bats’ Den
Ice Grotto
Ridge of Kayar
Jasmine Brushwood
Luan Coast
Forgotten Graves
Village Maettro
Thorn Apple Brushwood
Lumirya Waterfall
Vassals’ Tomb
Freedom Steppe
Mentaliya Foothills
Ridge of Darkness
Faytvor Suburbs
Forgotten Mines
Northern Outpost
Fortress of Captivity
Lumirya Waterfall
Wolf Wasteland
Foot of the Barrow
Grand Fort Suburbs
Southern Outpost
Fortress of Captivity
Faytvor Suburbs
Wyvern Crossing
Eclipse Thicket
Wild Forest
Grand Fort Suburbs
Gryphon Crossing
Mentaliya Foothills
Ridge of Darkness
Gorge of Gondi
Faytvor Suburbs
Eclipse Thicket
Fortress of Captivity
Lumirya Waterfall
Wolf Wasteland
Foot of the Barrow
Allayas Wastelands
Grand Fort Suburbs
Fortress of Captivity
Faytvor Castle
Grand Fort Castle
Mentaliya Foothills
Gorge of Gondi
Wolf Wasteland
Foot of the Barrow
Eagles’ Nest
Wyvern Crossing
Allayas Wastelands
Gryphon Crossing
Mentaliya Foothills
Gorge of Gondi
Wolf Wasteland
Foot of the Barrow
Mentaliya Foothills
Wyvern Crossing
Chion Settlement
Lumirya Waterfall
Allayas Wastelands
Warrior’s Camp
Tomb of Kings
Village Maettro
Fortress of Captivity
Allayas Wastelands
Gryphon Crossing
Fortress of Captivity
Mentaliya Foothills
Eclipse Thicket
Ridge of Kayar
Glade of Oblivion
Domain of Winds
Mentaliya Foothills
Mentaliya Settlement
Eagles’ Nest
Ridge of Darkness
Wyvern Crossing
Village Maettro
Eclipse Thicket
Insanity Moor
Haunted Place
Wild Forest
Allayas Wastelands
Foot of the Barrow
Wolf Wasteland
Barrow of Sadness
Wasteland of Rest
Gryphon Crossing
Insanity Moor
Haunted Place
Bats’ Den
Eclipse Thicket
Eldive Outpost
Village of Tremor
Lumirya Waterfall
Wasteland of Rest
Riverhead of Wrath
The Kroffdors’ Warcamp
Mentaliya Foothills
Eagles’ Nest
Ridge of Darkness
Settlement Angrukhon
Wirgold Estate
Ridge of Kayar
Glade of Oblivion
Allayas Wastelands
Wasteland of Rest
Place of Sorrow
Eagles’ Nest
Sly Cove
Barrow of Death
Ridge of Kayar
Wolf Wasteland
Glade of Oblivion
Wasteland of Rest
Ridge of Darkness
Eclipse Thicket
Silent Cove
Barrow of Sadness
Wasteland of Rest
Domain of Winds
Azure Lagoon
Gorge of Gondi
Eagles’ Nest
Ridge of Darkness
Eldive Outpost
Chion Settlement
Plateau of Silence
Fortress of Captivity
Glade of Oblivion
Allayas Wastelands
Barrow of Sadness
Wasteland of Rest
Domain of Winds
Riverhead of Wrath
Warrior’s Camp
Plateau of Silence
Fortress of Captivity
Enchanted Forest
Eldive Outpost
Village of Tremor
Silent Cove
Riverhead of Wrath
The Kroffdors’ Warcamp
Azure Lagoon
Vale of Visions
Phantom Ashes
Scolopendra Coast
Mortis Dale
Daigon Islands
Twilight Forest
Bottomless Crack
Enchanted Lake
Rovengard Fault
Twilight Forest
Bottomless Crack
Enchanted Lake
Rovengard Fault
Silty Weir
Greerwood Village
Rumengild Station
Bottomless Lake
Suburbs of Waltreia
Waltreia Outpost
Greerwood Village
Rumengild Station
Suburbs of Waltreia
Waltreia Outpost
Pelanir’s Camp
Sarpen’s Camp
Endless Dunes
Dune Sea
Endless Dunes
Dune Sea
Ruins of Khor-Abselon
Last updated: Novmber 2021