The Invasion of Chaos is a huge event that involves almost all the inhabitants of Faeo. Each month, players from level 5 to level 15 can take part in the epic battle against the eternal enemy – the Chaos.

Stage I «Opening the Gates» |
In order to prevent the invasion of chaos to the world of Faeo, Sheara has decided to open the gates and to make a blow to the commanders of the forces of Chaos. In order to unlock the portal a large amount of energy is necessary, so the goddess is asking you to collect it. |
Stage II «March through the Gates» |
The energy has been collected and the portal has been unsealed, it's time to move into the heart of the evil - the World of Chaos, in order to destroy the commanders of the enemy army and to prevent attacks from the army of darkness. |
Stage III «Arrival of the Poisedopus» |
Sheara's bold plan has materialized! The majority of the commanders of the Army of Chaos has been defeated. This situation has led to anger and rage within the enemy forces and they have decided to use the most dangerous and destructive weapon of the forces of chaos - Poisedopus. |
Stage I |
Taking part in the event, you can increase your Destroyers of Chaos reputation, and receive a unique rewards from the Chaos Arsenal.

The energy needed for that ritual, can only be received from the Scales of the Golden Dragon, who was once created by the goddess but died heroically while saving the world of Faeo. The Scales can be found by every warrior who is under the effect of the Gift of Insight, that the goddess will give to any volunteer.
Attention! The scales can be received with a small probability from any monster whose level is not lower than 1 below yours.
The power of Shearas blessing depends on the amount of scales you have turned in. Sheara only gives her blessing to those who come to the other side of the gates and go into battle against the commanders of the Chaos forces.
Sheara's Blessings
handed in |
Level 4
Level 5-6
Level 7-8
Level 9-10
Level 11-12
Level 13-14 |
Level 15 |
1-30 |
31-60 |
61-100 |
101-139 |
From 140 |
Every player from level 4 can turn to Sheara and help her with the preparations for the fight against the Chaos by going to
Striagorn at Hell's Pass and
Erifarius at Foothills.
Stage II |
As soon as the necessary amount of the energy scales (25000 pcs.) will be collected, Sheara will be able to perform the ritual and to open the Gates of the World of Chaos, at the same time starting the second stage - «March through the Gates». After this, unique groups, consisting of Magmars and Humans at the same time, will move into the heart of the evil – the World of Chaos. There they aim to destroy the commanders of the enemy army in order to prevent attacks from the army of darkness.

In order to help the warriors, Sheara decided in her wisdom to remove the language barrier between the nations, so that the warriors of Humans and Magmars can prepare more easily for the battle and make sure they can gain victory by cooperating and fighting side by side.
You can get into the World of Chaos by using the portal (accessible during the Stage II), on the Plateau of Silence or by using the button «Gates of Chaos» in the «Battlefields», menu, which you can find in the top section of your screen. When the warriors pass through the gates they will find themselves in the World of Chaos and they will have to fulfill the mission they have been given by Sheara – the destruction of the commanders.
It is not easy to defeat those enemies. In this situation it would be totally unreasonable to do without the help of the Destroyers of Chaos, who offer special scrolls that disperse the destructive Chaos energy to everyone who deserves them. How to use them correctly, you can learn from the table "Fighting the Chaos" given below.
Sheara will not leave her warriors alone, not even on the other side of the gates. The goddess will give a part of her power to everyone who goes to the domicile of the commander. The amount of this power will depend on the amount of the scales you have given to her. All possible blessings you can find in the table "Sheara's Blessings" above.
In the case of victory, every participant gets the chance to receive a unique item from the extraordinary Chaos Arsenal. What's more, warriors who defeat commanders in gruesome battles can get special elements at an amount of 20 pieces. The equipment of the Chaos consists of these elements and there is nothing in the world of Faeo that can be compared to them. They are the Chaos Particles.
Attention! If you pass through the gates and enter the World of Chaos but you fail to fulfill your mission, then you will be punished by the forces of Chaos. The first three warriors, who leave the World of Chaos before completing their mission will be cursed with the Curse of Chaos: Ssenkeaw lahtel. Every time the warriors do not fulfill their mission, the curse on the first three warriors, leaving the World of Chaos, will increase. In order to remove the curse, the warrior must leave the World of Chaos as victor, by killing the commander who corresponds to his level. This is the only way to get rid of the evil forces when leaving the gates.
Don't forget that there are not only the commanders behind the gates, there are also ordinary soldiers of the gigantic Army of Chaos, which was created for the submission of the whole world of Faeo. Killing any opponent will weaken the enemy troops. This is an additional chance to collect Chaos Particles. At one time each warrior can collect up to 10 additional particles, depending on the points collected on the battlefield.
Additional Particles
Number of particles
Level Groups
Exactly after 24 hours from the beginning of the Stage II, the Gates of Chaos will close. Chaos, struck to the heart, will attempt to regain the advantage and attack with its most powerful weapons. Each warrior can visit the World of Chaos, not more than 5 times during one event.
Stage III |
Sheara's bold plan has materialized: the majority of the commanders of the Army of Chaos has been defeated! This situation has led to anger and rage within the enemy forces and they have decided to use the most dangerous and destructive weapon of the forces of chaos -

This gigantic monster, created by
Tallaar himself, has an unbelievable amount of power, so big that it can even destroy gods. His whole being is saturated by cruelty and hatred and in his hands he is carrying a horrible weapon: the Sword of Chaos. On his way he razes everything to the ground, destroys order and plunges the world into chaos. Under the supreme command of the Poisedopus the surviving commanders will start a counterattack and will fall into the world of Faeo with the aim of destroying everything that is alive and to proclaim the power of Chaos everywhere. Sheara suspects that there will be an attack and calls the strongest magicians of the world. She shows the place of the attack of the forces of Chaos - the Fortress of Captivity.
At the beginning of the battle Sheara seals the access to the Fortress for all of those who do not yet have reached the power of magician in order to prevent unnecessary victims. With the support of the Human and Magmar
Destroyers of Chaos, Sheara will personally participate in the battle and she blesses each warrior who has the courage to accept the challenge of the Poisedopus together with her.
Each participant of the final battle with the Poisedopus (who inflicted not less than 50 000 damage in battle) will receive
30 Chaos Particles. And each member of the group, which has inflicted the most damage in the final battle, will receive
50 Destroyers of Chaos reputation points and the corresponding
Chaos Arsenal |
During the paticipation in the battles at the Gates of Chaos, warriors were gathering the Chaos Particles, so they can get any item from the Chaos Arsenal, doesn't matter if its any heavy-duty elixir, unique ring or amulet, or possibly even the apotheosis of the evil enemy genius: Chaos Pole Axe. The more particles will be in the hands of the warrior at the time of the connection of the Particles, the better the chance of getting more powerful items. Please note, if you already have one Chaos Pole Axe in your backpack, to create the second one will not be possible. Unfortunately, the magic of Chaos is very unstable and items, created by connection of the Particles, cannot last long, but even this time that you have, should be enough to give a decisive blow to the enemy target.
The variety of items used by Chaos to reach the excellence in the combat is extensive and diverse. Such loads of all kinds of items is possible only due the Chaos instability. All the items, that the creatures on the other side of the Gates are using, are made up of special particles, that change their properties depending on the number of simultaneously connected components.
Any of these items can be collected from the warrior's Particles, gathered during the attack on commanders and soldiers on the other side of the Gates of the World of Chaos. The dependence of the probability of getting a certain item from the number of Chaos Particles in your hands at the time of assembly can be seen in the table below:
The items of Chaos have an amazing ability: in the process of creating, they determine the strength of their future owner and adjust to his capabilities, giving their owner an advantage in the battle.
The items created from the Chaos Particles adjust to the capabilities of their owner, changing their characteristics.