Warriors! Take your chance at the Monthly Lottery to win a big bag of rubies.

What do you have to do?
It is simple. All you need to do is to choose 4 x 4 numbers out of 50 and write them down in the specific thread in the forum.
How will the winning numbers be selected?
On the first Wednesday of each month, around 15:00 server time, the Administration will draw random numbers live via "/rand".
How to win?
Each player that has sufficient matching numbers, to those that were rolled, will receive a prize. Of course, there can be more than one winner. All winners will receive their bag of rubies in within 48 hours after the draw.
Every account can only participate with one post! Players who are currently cursed are not eligible to receive rewards.
Take your chance and win some rubies for your account. Good luck! 
You can place up to 4 combinations consisting of 4 numbers between 1 and 50.
Example of how to submit your combinations for participation (no repeating numbers):
08-35 41-13
Written Guidelines:
- No repeating numbers
- All numbers must be two digits. (The number "one" will be written as 01, not 1. The number "two" will be written as 02, not 2)
- There should be no spaces between the numbers as dashes. Note, it is written xx-xx-xx-xx not xx - xx - xx - xx
- Each line can only have four numbers
- All numbers must be between 01 and 50.
On the last Wednesday of each month, a new thread will be opened on the forum, where you will have the chance to submit your combinations. The thread will remain open for a week, after which it will be closed - Tuesday 15:00 server time.
The selection of the final combinations will occur on the first Wednesday of each month and the results of the lottery will be posted later on the same day. The distribution of the ruby bag(s) will happen within 48 hours after the draw, by the Administration.
Jackpot (4 matching numbers, all in 1 row):
4 numbers (4 matching numbers out of your 16):
3 numbers (3 matching numbers out of your 16):
Jesters wish you the best of luck!